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on October 22, 2019 at 6:53:18 am

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Tatiana Popa

I am an English teacher at High School “Gheorghe Asachi” in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. I teach grades 9-11. I joined this session because I am interested in using ICT for teaching languages. I am a fan of ICT myself, and I understand students’ need for using them often in class. Some teachers see it as an obstacle in teaching,as students ‘lose’ time online. I consider that teachers can take advantage of this and motivate their students by giving them tasks to be done online. Thus both teachers and students can benefit from technology use.
Yahoo ID: btancha
Teresa Almeida d'Eca

I'm Teresa Almeida d'Eca from the greater Lisbon area, in Portugal. I'm a retired EFL teacher and currently an online and offline teacher trainer in Web 2.0 tools. I'm a co-founder of the Becoming a Webhead workshop that I co-coordinated and co-moderated for 10 fantastic years. The ICT4ELT Team are former BaW mods. You're in great hands! I joined the Webheads in Action in Jan 2002 for an EVO workshop and have never left the best community of practice in the world. I'm also a co-founder and member of one-year old Radical English (RE) group <http://radicalenglish.com/>. You're welcome to visit our website, read about us and subscribe our newsletter. Motivated by RE, I'm working on an e-dictionary about a pronunciation strategy I came up with ten years ago, which.worked wonders for my students. It bridges the L1 and the L2. You can read more about this project in my RE website <http://teresadeca-radicalenglish.weebly.com/>. Enjoy the upcoming weeks. They're bound to change your lives. :-)
Yahoo ID: teca2002pt
Skype: teresadeca
Twitter: teresadeca
Michela Furia

My name's Michela. I'm from Italy. I teach English and Italian in primary school.
I am interested in using ICT for teaching languages and I would like to learn more about it.
I already use Edmodo with my pupils, and other web sites.
I'm looking forward to meeting so many teachers and exchange ideas.
This is my web site ( in Italian)
Yahoo ID: Tumikmicky
Skype: micky1micky1
Alejandra Blanco

I’m a Business English teacher from Argentina. I have been teaching for fifteen years and I’ve spent the last seven working exclusively in-company.
I have some knowledge about how to use ICT in ELT but I would like to learn more.
Yahoo ID: blancocassagnet
Skype: blanco.ale
Calum Stirling

My name's Calum and I'm British. I live and work in Sicily, Italy, as a freelance teacher of English. I mainly teach adults who work in the tourism sector. I also teach pilots/soldiers/business English, general English, etc. I use IWBs and a variety of software. However, hardware is my speciality when it comes to computers.
This workshop will be invaluable as I will be taking the Cert ICT course in a couple of months. I have intentions of creating a VLE, supplemented with F2F lessons, for a group of Islands near to where I live.
Yahoo id: photo_free2005@yahoo.co.uk
Skype: calum.stirling
Twitter: CalumJStirling
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=84277841&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
Wiki: http://calumstirling.pbworks.com/w/page/73905575/FrontPage
Nizara Hazarika

I am Nizara Hazarika from Assam, India. By profession I am an Associate Professor of English in Sonapur College, Gauhati University, India. I have done my PhD on Colonial Assam and Womens' Writing. I teach ESL to my Higher Secondary students and English Literature to my Undergraduate students. I have been a member of the Syllabus Expert Committee of English for Higher Secondary education. I am involved with Teachers Training of HS level.
So for a better deliberation of my job, I feel that a proper training of ICT will be highly beneficial for me. As a teacher and also a teacher trainer ICT for ELT is a must and we should have a strong base in this regard. Thus, from this course, I expect a lot and I feel after a successful completion of this course, I will be able to use the newly acquired knowledge in my classroom teaching as well as teachers' training which will benefit my students and other teachers as well.
My Yahoo id: nhazarika04@yahoo.com
Taivi Oigus

I am Taivi from Estonia. I work as a teacher of English at a comprehensive school in one of the suburbs of Tallinn. I have been teaching mainly secondary level students for 15 years by now. I have some previous EVO experience as well as some prior knowledge of ICT.
However, I know I should reflect a lot more on technology integration in my teaching environment. I am eager to exploit the medium more effectively. I will try to do my best and devote myself to the course as much as I can.
Yahoo ID: oigust@yahoo.com
Aïda Sarr

My name is Aida Sarr and i'm an ELT trainee from Senegal. I joined the group because ICT in ELT is one of the modules which compose our second year of ELT training. Our teacher has made it an assignment to register to EVO sessions in order to learn more about the topic. I therefore want to get familiar with the use of ICT into the classroom sphere, I’d love to know and be able to use ICT tools which are relevant for the teaching and learning process. I'll also be glad to be friends with all of the members of the group...
Yahoo ID: aydabiz@yahoo.fr
Tetyana Pavlenko

Hi from Ukraine
Hello! My name is Tetyana Pavlenko. I am a TEFL from central Ukraine. I teach in the comprehensive school. I am truthfully hoping this training will develop my IT skills to be furtherly implemented into my teaching practice. I do also believe I will successfully share my professional tips and will readily follow ones of the participants' experience of this e-project.
Feel free to contact.
SKYPE, Facebook-Tetyana Pavlenko
Elena Manou

Hello to all!
I am Elena from Greece. I've been teaching as an EFL teacher for many years to mostly young learners and young adults. I am a TESOL member and I'm currently teaching intermediate to advanced classes in a private Language School in Athens.
I am excited to be here and I hope to make time for everything. It's my first time in yahoo groups and EVO.
Best regards!
Skype ID:
Gordana Palada

Hello everybody!
My name is Gordana Palada. I live in Šibenik, Croatia and I work in Primary School Brodarica. I've been teaching English for 22 years and I love using ICT in my classroom. I've been using some tools already but I'm still exploring new possibilities of online teaching. It's great to be a part of this group and I know I'll learn a lot. I'm learning right now using Yahoo and Wiki – it's completely new to me. I hope we'll have a great time during these five weeks.
Best regards
Alexandra Machairdou
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Hello everyone,
I am Alexandra Machairdou and I am an English teacher from Greece.I am doing a master degree in the UK this year, English Language Teaching with specialism in ICT and Multimedia. I think the ICT4ELT will prove really helpful to me
Anna Babushkina
Hello everyone, I'm Anna Babushkina, a teacher from local secondary school, Russia. I work in a city Samara near Volga river. My audience is secondary school students from 8 to 16. I try to use ICT in my classes, we have access to the Internet, so my students and I can use different tools. I’m nervous to be part of such multicultural group . My knowledge is poor but I hope to improve them.
Best wishes,
Anna (anna.babushkina@yahoo.com)
Jelena Bodjanac

Hello everyone! I'm Jelena Bodjanac. I am an EFL teacher in a primary school in Serbia and a master student. My professor has made it an assignment to register to some EVO sessions as a prerequisite for a course. I am eager to learn how to use ITC tools in everyday classroom activities.
Yahoo ID: jelenabodjanac1977@yahoo.com
Sneza Filipovic

Hi, I am Sneza, an English teacher from Belgrade, Serbia. I have been teaching adults for more than 20 years. I first attended an EVO session (BaW) in 2012 not because I loved technology, like everybody else, but because I was scared of it and because my best friend had finally persuaded me this was the best place to be converted. I can`t possibly imagine a better place to learn, with so much help from coordinators, moderators and other friends with who I shared the quest for the right button! It is a rare thing to change your views completely on something so crucial so I decided to write about it in my blog http://www.digitalsealogbook.blogspot.com/ . This is my third year and I can say now I am here because I love technology but I love even more the fabulous atmosphere and the wonderful, extraordinary people I meet here!
Yahoo ID: sneza.filipovic
Skype: sneza.filip7
Laura Edwards

Hi! My name is Laura Edwards. I'm an EFL trainer from Ireland, now based in Germany. I've been teaching for 12 years and I work with adult learners and university students. I develop materials for international exams, and also give teacher training workshops on topics related to instruction. I am looking forward to gaining some new ideas.
Best of luck to everyone!
Josephine Diouf
Hello everybody! My name is Josephine Diouf. I am an English teacher trainee at F.A.S.T.E.F Dakar University/Senegal. I joined this group to learn more about ICT materials and how to use them, and also how ICT is relevant to the English teaching/learning process. I have not much experience about ICT yet so I am looking foward to be able to use ICT materials in my classroom activities at the end of these sessions. I will be very happy too to meet people from all around the world and discuss with them.
Best Regards!
Yahoo ID: josediouf87@yahoo.com
Amanda Gamble

My name is Amanda, I'm British and I've been teaching for nearly 20 years, mostly in Turkey. I am now based in Izmir and working as a freelance teacher and trainer. I am interested in how technology has changed EFL teaching since I started teaching and I want to learn more about how I can use technology more effectively and creatively.
Yahoo ID: purple.kedi71@yahoo.com
Melanie Majeski

Hi everyone. My name is Melanie Majeski and I've been teaching ESL/EAP for a little over 20 years at a community college in Connecticut, U.S.A. I love technology, but I tend to swim around in a sea of confusion between all the different platforms and programs. I'm really looking forward to establishing some order in the chaos and I'm very excited to see what everyone else is doing.
Yahoo ID: mamajeski
Twitter: mellmaj - barely know how to use it. :)
Skype: melanie.majeski - same as above ;D
Marija Huzjak-Saban

Hi to everyone!
I am Marija and I come from Croatia. I’ve been teaching English for many years and so far I’ve been working with small children, teenagers and adults. At the moment I’m employed as a secondary school teacher and you need a lot of patience, experience and knowledge to work with teenagers. That’s why I’m here with you again to learn how to implement ICT skills into my teaching to motivate my students. I hope we’ll all have great time together!
Yahoo ID – mhsaban@yahoo.com
Skype: MarijaHS60
Dajana Vukadin

Hello everyone,
my name is Dajana and I come from Zagreb, Croatia. I have been teaching English for 19 years. I am also a teacher and student trainer. I use ICT in my classroom and would like to improve my skills and learn some new tools. Looking forward to taking part in this course.
Yahoo ID -dajanavuk@yahoo.com

My name is Rajni Shekhawat. I am from India and I am working as a teacher trainer for secondary school teachers. I would like to make my training programs more interesting by the use of ICT and will share my experiences of this course with my trainee teachers. This will help those teachers to enhance their teaching skills.
My yahoo ID is: rajni_shekhawat@yahoo.in
Carole Fuller

Hello everyone, my name is Carole Fuller and my yahooID is butlerwales1. I'm originally from Wales (Britain) but I live in Washington, DC. My background is in teaching EFL and ESL, and now I'm an instructional coach. I work at a school for adult immigrants who are learning ESL and other life and work skills. I coach the teachers and facilitate professional development. I love my job and I love working in a learning environment - I feel like we make a difference to someone every day! I joined this group hoping to get new ideas for integrating technology and learning in the classroom, and to share my experience working with students (and some teachers!) of emerging digital literacy. I'm so pleased to see people from all over the world joining in, it's going to be great!
Samira Dini

Hi my name is Samira Dini. I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I work at King Abdulaziz
University. Ihave been here for almost six months. I lived in the US and Canada for the last 20 years. Have been teaching English to high school students, new immigrants from all over the world. I am exiceted to join the ICT. I am not very good at technology and this is a good opportunity for me. I am looking forward to this learning experience. I am originally from East Africa, I speak several languages, such as Italina, Arabic, Spanish and my native language which is Somali.
Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).
Fumiko Oginuma
Hello everyone,
I am Fumiko Oginuma from Japan. Now I'm studying in MA of ELT at Warwick University in UK and I also a English teacher in Japanese public senior high schools. My students are very familiar with Apps of cell phones, therefore I think ELT based on computers will be useful for them. Though I wonder if I can keep up with the session, I'd like to gain something special from this session. Nice to attend the session together with you all.
yahoo ID: oginumafumiko@yahoo.com

Hi! My name is Ali Bouhmala. I'm an English teacher in Morocco. I've teaching English for more than 24 years. I'm very much interested in using ICT in the classroom.However, I feel that my knowledge of the topic is still poor. That's why I joined this session. I hope it will be useful .Good luck for everyone.
Best wishes.
Girija Nagaswami

Hi My name is Girija Nagaswami. I have taught ESL and College English courses at Community College of Philadelphia for about 21 years. Prior to that I have taught English at the University level in Mumbai, India.
For the past four years or so, I have been teaching hybrid ESL courses, and since last year have incorporated technology in my courses and have begun to use the flipping technique. So I am eager to learn more tech tools that I can use.
Looking forward to meeting you all in this course.
Samira Dini

Hi my name is Samira Dini. I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I work at King Abdulaziz
University. Ihave been here for almost six months. I lived in the US and Canada for the last 20 years. Have been teaching English to high school students, new immigrants from all over the world. I am exiceted to join the ICT. I am not very good at technology and this is a good opportunity for me. I am looking forward to this learning experience. I am originally from East Africa, I speak several languages, such as Italina, Arabic, Spanish and my native language which is Somali.
Marcin Ostrowski
Hi everyone,
I'm an ESL teacher from Poland. It's my 8th year now. So far I've worked with every age group possible. I like the diversity and everyday challenges of teaching. Despite having taken some courses in ICT I think there's still a lot for me to learn. So here I am. At my work I get 6 year old students and I teach them for 12 years until they finish their high-school. I see it as an unprecedented opportunity for building language skills together with ICT. I try using technology in my classroom and I am interested in building online-based language protfolios.
I'd welcome the opportuinity to skype or otherwise communicate with other teachers. If you want to talk, please contact me
Email : mostrowski85@gmail.com
Skype: tahion
Twitter : @Marty_Ostrowski
Regards Marcin Ostrowski
Skip Gole

My real name’s Robert Gole, but everyone has always called me Skip. I teach at Montgomery College, which is a junior college in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. My program is just below the credit level, and I have students from all over the world and they have many different economic and cultural positions (diplomat, restaurant worker, government fellowship, etc.). I use a wiki now in my class, and I have presented on it at TESOL. However, I've always been confused and slowed by tech issues. It takes a long time for me to understand their purpose and incorporate that into my lessons. I hope to learn a bit more here. For example, I would like to use popplet.com in a reading and writing class, but haven't been clear about technical issues surrounding its functionality/adaptability.
Every way of contacting me would be through Skip Gole. However, I'm never on Skype, and I don't have a smart phone. I use an iPod touch to phone--if there's wifi!
Skype: skipgole
Twitter: @skipgole
e-mail: skipgole@me.com
Erin McLaughlin

My name is Erin McLaughlin. I am from the United States and live in North Carolina. I have been teaching EFL since 2003. I currently teach EFL at a two year college. I am very excited about this course. I would love to be able to incorporate more technology use in my classes.
Yahoo ID: gwugraduate
Marie-Hélène Fasquel

Hello! I'm an ESL teacher and ict and didactics instructor. I'm crazy about ICT and projects and can't wait sharing and learning with you all! I'm also a (non recovering) evo eaddict!
I'm part of many communities (TESOL France, eteachnet, esl printables, SK12, Partners in Learning and am an eTwinning ambassador.)
Looking forward to getting to know you!
Here is my website: http://sharingteaching.blogspot.fr/
and Yahoo id: mhfasquel
Alexander Noguera

My name´s Alexander Noguera. I work as a freelance English language teacher in Venezuela and I teach kids, teenagers and adults. I have 3 years of experience in teaching and I am planning to open my own language school. I would like to start my business with an innovation and I think technology is definetely the best option due to the influence of video, media and gadgets in our daily lives. For this reason, I joined these online sessions to get to know how to start creating my own virtual learning enviroment and to enrich my teaching experience with such a great group of fellows.
Ruth Shimoni

My name is Ruth, raised and educated in Canada, and I relocated to Israel. I have a wide range of teaching experience from adults in the business sector, young adults in college, to high school students studying toward their English matriculation exams.
The last few years I have been working for an organization that provides instruction to special needs students at home ( because of health problems, recovery from surgery, autism...).
I want to be able to incorporate more computer skills in my lessons to facilitate learning and to interest and inspire students to achieve more. Also being able to collaborate and learn new ideas from other teachers seems a great luxury
Email: rshimoni@yahoo.com
Twitter: @rutti9
Skype: rivkaruth2
Martin Postlethwaite

Hi everyone
My name is Martin Postlethwaite and I work as a EFL/ESOL teacher/ teacher mentor in Jersey, Channel Islands, Great Britain (not New Jersey in the US) . I have done this now for twenty-one years as well as teach French and Spanish to intermediate level.
I have joined this group as I wish to build on my ICT knowledge with a view to incorporating more of it in class as well as teaching it to colleagues. It will also hopefully make me less dependent on the paper-based files cluttering up my van and bungalow and driving my better half crazy!
You can get hold of me at:
martin.postlethwaite@yahoo. com
Skype: madlinguist1
Twitter: @madlinguist1
Gladys Machado

Hi, everybody. My name is Gladys. My yahoo ID is glatema4. I work as a freelance at an Editorial as a consultant in ICT. I am Bachelor of Education, English Language Instructor and consultant and ICT teacher. I give private English classes too. I'm Peruvian. I live in Lima, Perú. I'm joining this group to keep on learning about ICT to help teachers of my country to give meaningful classes. My expectations are to learn more, renew my knowledge and share what I know with all of you. I have more than 20 years teaching English and I love it.
My web: http://ticscapacitaciondocente.blogspot.com
Carolyn Moi

Hello from Vancouver, Canada!
My name is Carolyn Moi, and I'm an ESL Instructor to new immigrants, settled citizens and international students at a community college. Our college has undergone many changes in the past few years, and I joined this group to learn ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. I believe blended learning in ESL isn't too far off at our college, so anything I learn now will certainly be helpful and advantageous as that becomes a reality.
Yahoo ID - carolynmoi
Alexandra Pasi
Hi Everyone!
Technology os not my strong point and am beginning to feel like a caveman (or should I save "cavewoman") while reading through all your introductions and experience!
I teach English at a high school to kids aged 12-18. I use an interactive whiteboard and videos from youtube...but that's about it.
I've decided that I need to make more and better use of technology in class.
I'm sure this webinar will be both interesting and informative.
Linda Fellag

My original post was erased!
If you didn't read it before, I teach at a two-year college in Philadelphia, US. I use technology in all my courses, and I'm always happy to learn more. I work closely with Girija, who's also in this course.
Elise Couper

Hello, Everybody,
I'm Elise Couper (elisecouper) from Maryland in the US. I live near Annapolis and teach ESL and TESL at Anne Arundel Community College. I also do teacher training in Montgomery County, also in Maryland. I have more enthusiasm than skill when it comes to educational technology so am looking forward to polishing those skills through this course. I'm also looking forward to meeting, working, and learning with the other members of the group.
Kate Conti
Hi, my name is Kate, I teach ESL at Felician College in Rutherford, NJ, USA. I have been teaching at this level for only 2 years. Most of my experience has been with adults at the initial stage of learning English. Now, I teach the reading segment of our program. I am very interested in using technology to both motivate and challenge my students.
Jenny Field
Hello my name is Jenny Field. I teach migrants in a Workplace English course. I am looking forward to learning more about ICT. I have used ICT in a limited way but would like to gain more confidence. I teach at the Waikato Institute of Technology in Hamilton, New Zealand.
I have worked as a volunteer at the national university in Timor-Leste.
My email address is ejfield2000@yahoo.com
Cristina Oddone
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My name is Cristina and I am from Italy. I teach English at a secondary school in north-western Italy, in a small town between Turin and Milan. My students are aged 16-19. I like technology and I usually integrate wikis and blogs in my lessons. I use wikispaces to create my wikis and blogger to set up my blogs. I also use a site of my own where I upload materials for students. Students like learning cooperatively in the blog and learning collaboratively in the wikis
Maria Rita Pepe

I am an EFL teacher from Italy. I teach in lower secondary schools to students aged 11-14. I love using ICT in my EFL classes because I think it is much more motivating for my students and it allows me to diversify my activities. I have been using Edmodo for three years. Last year I took part in the BAW 2013 session: it was a wonderful and fruitful experience. My main expectation for this session is to learn new interesting tools and strategies.
Olfa Ben Amor
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Hello everybody, my name is Olfa ben Amor, I’ve been teaching English for 15 years, I love my job and I am fond of discovering new tech tools in my teaching. I’m always on the lookout for new methods to motivate my students( and me!). I believe ICT is a good opportunity to learn more and explore new tools. Looking forward to it.
Jasmina Gavranic

Hello! My name is Jasmina Gavranic and I come from Serbia. I am an EFL teacher, teaching in one secondary school in Novi Sad. Also, I enrolled Master studies last year. This is the first time for me to participate in one of EVO courses so I am really looking forward to learning new things and sharing experience with other group members. Applying ICT in an EFL classroom is a necessity and I am eager to learn more about it in order to use it in my classes.
Elimane Barry
Insert your photo here

Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).
I am Elimane Barry a student in a teacher training college in Cheikh Anta Diop University,Dakar,Senegal. I am eager to learn more from people of ohter countries and cultures but also to share with them my little experience

Hi everybody; I am a young trainee from Senegal. I will soon finish my studies and become a full English Teacher. I am very happy to be part of this group. I am quite sure that it will help me to develop new experiences about the use of technologies in our teachings. Very happy to share the group with.
Thank you very much
Sherif Salem

hi Every body my name is Sherif Salem , Sherif is my name i like you to call me Sherif
my yahoo ID is freelancer122
i don't work in school or institution i am an engineer in the field of Electronics and Communications
And i love English so much i love learning and teaching it as well, i love to gain knowledge learn from your experiences
i live in Alexandria, Egypt
i hope i can take the advantage of being with a great English Teachers like You all :D
thanks very much
Best wishes for our moderators and members :) |
Sheila Passos

Hi everybody!!
My name is Sheila Passos (Yahoo ID- sheellahh, Skype- sheila.passos, Twitter @sheellahh) and I’m from Brasilia, Brazil. I’m an English teacher in a public Language institute located about 37 km from Brasilia (Ceilandia) and I also work at a cooperative of idioms called COOPLEM. I love teaching and technology as well and I’m always trying to learn new things in order to improve my classes. Nowadays I am taking a post graduation course on Distance Education. I have already participated on EVO some years ago but I couldn’t really follow the course. Now I am back because the little I participated a lot I learned from my colleagues. I expect to be exposed to new things and put them into practice with the groups I work with.
Solange Zwicker

Hi everyone,
My name is Solange Zwicker (Yahoo ID: solangezwicker). I have been living in Springfield, Vermont, USA since 2001. I have a masters in TESOL from Saint
Michael's College (Colchester, VT) and a masters in education from Framingham State University (Framingham, Massachusetts). I love teaching English to children. It's a wonderful and gratifying job. I have been teaching ESOL to elementary and middle school students for 11 years in Vermont and recently in New Hampshire. I live and work in the USA, but I am from Brasilia, Brazil. I signed up for this EVO session because I wish to learn and incorporate technology in my teaching. I want to become somewhat literate in computer apps and methodologies using technology for teaching languages. I'm very excited and a bit overwhelmed with so much information. Thank you the EVO for offering these great educational sessions.
Rebecca Arthur

Hello to all!
My name is Rebecca and I teach at a private university in Osaka, Japan. I teach college students English as a Second Language (mostly false-beginner level) as well as some Business English courses. I have set up a simple website to support my classes but I know I could be doing much more with it. I'm looking forward to picking up some new ideas from this course!
Warm wishes from cold Osaka,
SKYPE: nonbinonbi
TWITTER: @NonbiPoole
Lamine Ndiaye

hello, everyone! First, I wish you happy new you 2014! My name is Lamine Ndiaye, I'm from Senegal. I'm a teacher trainee at FASTEF. I join this group to learn much about teaching methods and approaches. I hope that I will meet all my expectations from you.
thank you!!!
Fatima-Zahra Ajjoul
Hello. My name is Fatima-Zahra. I am from Morocco. I have been teaching English for the last nine years. I am very much interested in integrating ICT into my classroom. I am using the ICA Nicenet and the IWB with my students, which is motivating them quite well. I am here to learn about new ways to keep them interested in learning English. Pleased to know you all.
Best regards
Natasa Bozic Grojic

My name is Natasa Bozic Grojic. I work in a language school and I teach adults. In 2008 I attended my first Becoming a Webhead session and it changed my life for ever. I never looked back. I have been signing up for BaW sessions ever since and I intend to do the same with ict4elt.
I blog at http://lunas994.blogspot.com . You can browse my wikis at http://coffeetimecentral.pbworks.com . This is the same blog and those are the same wikis I started six years ago when I took BaW.
I can't promise I will participate all the time, but I will be listening to conversations. I am looking forward to meeting new people and finding out about new tools.
Yahoo ID: natasabozicgrojic
Twitter: @lunas994
Skype: grojici.banjica
Milica Svrzic

Hi everyone! I'm Milica from Belgrade, Serbia. I work in a language school and I mostly teach adults. This is my first EVO session. :) I joined this group because ICT is fundamental to life in our modern society and also it it a valuable tool to enhance both teaching and learning. I'd like to learn more about using ICT in teaching in order to make classes more interesting and increase students' active engagement, team work and exposure to authentic English. And of course, I look forward to meeting new people end exchange ideas with teachers all around the world.
Yahoo ID: milica_svrzic
Elena Yaroslavova
Hello everyone here! I'm Elena Yaroslavova from Chelyabinsk, Russia. I am an English language taecher at South Ural State University (http://www.susu.ac.ru). I have been teaching English at the university for 30 years already. We teach English both for students and for adults. To teach and to learn without ICT is impossible nowadays. Creating PLE and PLN is of primary interest to me. Hope to get new ideas, ready to share my experience in using ICT to University students.
My Skype Elena Yaroslavova or Lenusya7771
Luisella Mori

Hi everyone, I'm a bit late... but here I am! My name is Luisella Mori and I teach English in a secondary school in Pontedera, Pisa, Tuscany (a beautiful place ). My school is called ITCG "Enrico Fermi" and my students specialise mostly in tourism studies. I've joined this group because I like using new technologies for teaching and learning. I was surprised by the huge amount of messages of messages I got in my inbox at first, and a bit scared too, and that's why I have waited so long... I needed some time to understand where the wiki was and what I was supposed to do. I hope I will have time to do the activities and take part in some of the live sessions, and also meet some interesting colleagues from all over the world. My yhoo ID is luisellamori
Thanks for accepting me in the group!
Jelena Bujas-Grubar

Hello everyone,
my name is Jelena (yet another one) and I come from Zadar, the city on the Croatian Adriatic coast. I teach mostly German language as the second foreign language (studied English also) in the vocational school for tourism for 22 years. I enjoy working with my students (age 14-18) and I am in constant search for new methods and ways to improve and enrich my teaching. I use every possible source for new experiences that can help me in my everyday work and I´m grateful that you accepted my request for membership. I’m looking forward to the following 5 weeks.
Greetings from Croatia,
Elena Yaroslavova

Hello eveone here! I'm Elena Yaroslavova from Chelyabinsk, Russia. I am an English language taecher at South Ural State University (http://www.susu.ac.ru). I have been teaching English at the university for 30 years already. We teach English both for students and for adults. To teach and to learn without ICT nowadays is impossible nowadays. Creating PLE and PLN is of primary interest to me. Hope to get new ideas, ready to share my experience in using ICT to University students.
Abdoulaye Sow

Hello everybody.
My name is Abdoulaye and i'm an ELTteacher trainee from Senegal. I join the group 4ELT because it is one of our modules this year in our teacher training school FASTEF. It's an assignment our teacher gave us, to register to EVO sessions in order to learn more about the topic. I want to be more skillful in using ICT into the classroom teachings.
Best regards.
Samira Dini
Hi my name is Samira Dini I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I am a teacher at King
Abdulaziz University. I lived in the US and Cananda. I have been an ESL teacher fo
the past 10 years. I am excited about this program. Using technology in class is very useful. I am looking forward to it. I want to thank all the moderators who are helping us become advanced teachers in Information and Computer Technology.

Hi, I am Anikó from Romania. I am a biology teacher... and I am very connected to languages: I teach in romanian, hungarian and german... to the students belonging to these three nationalities - they learn on their mothertongue-. I am very excited to be here and to participate on this great EVO-event-training-course. I am a creative person and I expect from this session to learn a lot about using ICT in teaching, and I am glad to meet a lot of engaged people from all over the world. Thank you for the opportunity to be here!
Madior FALL

Hello, this is Madior Fall from Sénégal. Ia m in a teacher training school in Sénégal. I am deeply interested in the use of ICT in my classroom. I am really happy to share this platform with people from all over the world with such experiences.
Daria Ivasenco

Hello,my name is Daria Ivasenco and I am a teacher of English at the Highschool Gh. Asachi from Chisinau, Moldova.I have been teaching English for 14 years and it's been a great pleasure for me.I have been always looking for new methods of teaching in order to make my pupils more interested in studying English.Thank you for accepting me as a member and I hope I will improve my teaching using ICT in classes, which is a very important tool nowadays both in teaching and learning.

Hi, everybody!
My name’s CRISTINA and I live in Gura Humorului, 5 km far from Voronet , part of a unique cultural site on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
( See http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/598/video )
I ‘ve been teaching English to 6-14-year-old children for over 30 years. At present, I’m teaching in “Petru Comarnescu” School in Gura Humorului, a small town in the north-east of Romania, a country in the Eastern Europe.
I'm also teaching English in my own house ( "W.H.E.R.E Learning House" ) in my free time.
I have joined this online course because I want to liven up my classes with technology and meet passionate teachers all over the world.
Cristina from Romania
Website: www.7x7edu.com
Skype ID: Cristina7x7
Facebook: Cristina Pupaza, Asociatia 7x7 pentru Educatie
email: cristina7x7edu@gmail.com
Eduardo Ratier
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I´m an EFL Teacher from São Paulo, Brazil. I currently work as a freelancer, teaching teenagers, young adults and adults. I´m also a Cambridge Oral Examiner for Main Suite (PET and FCE). Besides that, I´ve recently taken a job at the State´s Secretary for Education, where I intend to work with EdTech projects.
Although I´m not much of a tech geek, I trully believe that ICT foster our possibilities to collaborate, share ideas and expand our knowledge. By taking this course, I hope not only to improve my classes but also to find out ways to interact with other teachers and promote my professional development.
Find bellow my contact info in case you want to get in touch.
E-mail: eduardo.ratier@gmail.com
Skype: eduardo.ratier
Dialy Diouf

Hello webinars, my namne is Dialy Diouf from FASTEF in Dakar. I am a teacher trainee at FASTEF. I want to join the ICT community to learn a lot from teachers all around the world and befriend them. I ajso want to know how to integrate ICT tools in my teachings. so I hope teachers will collaborate.. |
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my name is Sherif Salem , Sherif is my name i like you to call me Sherif
my yahoo ID is freelancer122
i don't work in school or institution i am an engineer in the field of Electronics and Communications
And i love English so much i love learning and teaching it as well, i love to gain knowledge learn from your experiences
i live in Alexandria, Egypt
i hope i can take the advantage of being with a great English Teachers like You all :D
thanks very much
Best wishes for our moderators and members :)
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